The statement of STILLIFE
The past and the future. Even if time only moves in one direction, our imagination can extend beyond its limits. Explore the past, create the future.
The traditional folk tools once used in everyday life carry a mysterious charm that draws us in closer. Using old tools I encountered in this manner, I began producing works for the STILLIFE collection in 2018.

As time has passed, elements of the old, decaying tools have been lost, while others have been gained. The idea that there’s “something attractive in there, somewhere” may appear ambiguous, yet it conveys an element of certainty. For some people this may result in a fresh encounter, while others, by chance, may feel a sense of nostalgia.
The wisdom of human beings, who developed the concept of time, gave form to our social existence by verbalising and quantifying ambiguous sensations. Our limitless imagination gave rise to beliefs, starting with deities, and narratives began to emerge. Within the history of Japanese culture, this imagination led to a belief in shinrabansho (all things in the universe), which includes the narratives of things and identifies countless deities and spirits, while a culture of respecting them developed through living in coexistence with the mountains and the sea.
Growing up within this culture laid the foundation for my relationship with old folk tools and pursuit of craftsmanship, which results from the creativity inherited from my ancestors. Unique to Japan, this imagination has the power to attract people from all over the world. As one element of the story of Japan, I want to continue developing the STILLIFE collection for my children, and their children after them.
Video by Nik Van Der Giesen