H a c o N i w a
W2000 × D450 × H1000 mm
Brass, Ranma(Japanese antique transom), Color glass(brown)
2024, Made to Order for ALLU SHINJYUKU
見上げる装飾建具としての欄間を、寝かせることで「庭」の視点を見立てた。松竹梅に大きな菊の花が咲く風景への変容。2枚1対のそれぞれを階層に配置することで立体的な空中庭園をイメージし、俯瞰的に眺める構造体をイメージしたフレームデザイン。 欄間を、上から覗き込むという箱庭的視点への置換によって、現代の生活洋式ではみることのない古びた日本の装飾文化に、新しい態度で向き合うことを意図した。
It is resembling Ranma, which is designed as a decoration and spacial dividing in Japanese houses, to the perspective of a ‘garden’ by laying it on a flat. A landscape of pine, bamboo and plum trees with large chrysanthemum flowers appears. By placing each piece in a hierarchical arrangement, imagine a hanging garden, and the shelf as a structure as if it can be viewed from a bird’s eye. By replacing it with a Miniature Garden perspective, it intended to confront the old Japanese decorative culture, which cannot be seen in modern life, with a new attitude.

Photo by Daisuke Yoshio