Syale Kutani FLOWER

size: D60 × H195 mm
material: porcelain
specification: crazing “Kannyu”

A simple shape yet a mood, there

I wondered what a thickly ground Kutani ware would look like. This flower vase was created out of such simple curiosity. First it was a more industrial and simple image on my drawing, but it was changed itself with a charm by the technique and the creation of Kutani ware artisan.

  • 厚みがあるため、乾燥や焼成の具合によりサイズ感に微妙な差がうまれます
  • 差し口は直径22mm程です

底面にはRYOSUKE HARASHIMAのイニシャル「r.」の印が入っています。
九谷焼の技法を用いながら新しいあり方や、デザインで“遊ぶ(=洒落)”「Syale Kutani/シャレクタニ」シリーズです

Related Items >> SYALE KUTANI / Syale Kutani UTUSI

Syale Kutani FLOWER

¥6,200 (税込 ¥6,820)

Size: D60 × H195mm
Weight: 1200g
Material: 陶磁器
Finish: 九谷焼 釉薬/貫入仕上げ
Important points