Academic Supervision: AMANE LLC.
Art Direction and Design: Ryosuke Harashima

人の間に置く学術サインプロダクト Taking Advantage of Social Distancing.
A New Sign Product placed between people
During the COVID-19 pandemic which occurred since 2020, “Kiten Project” was launched to support cultural activities in museums, libraries and Archives that were facing difficulties in operating and maintaining public spaces. The tree designed with the concept of “planting of culture” is aimed to become “Kiten”, a starting point, of offering people information on academic materials using the vacancy that emerged in public space as a result of social distancing. “Kiten Tree” aims to revitalize a decline in cultural activities. Through its social application, this product seeks to demonstrate the important connection between academic materials, cultural facilities and people.
The name “Kiten” has a double meaning. In Japanese, the phrase “Kiten” means starting point, the place where things begin. Additionally, “Kiten” could also mean “to exhibit a tree”.

キテンの木Kiten Tree
The “Kiten Tree” was innovated as a tool for carrying positive messages while keeping social distancing, instead of using signages which convey rejection of people, such as “unavailable” or “X” on benches and tables at the facility.

A tree motif product that encourages people to keep social distancing. It is a new social tool that allows people to maintain a distance from each other in a positive way.

The creators, together with the curators and librarians of the facilities that hold the academic materials will collaborate through the Kiten Project, and plan to utilize those materials in various facilities such as restaurants, cafes, and hospitals. The project aims to create a safe and secure public space with rich expressions in both academic and design.

学術×デザインの葉Kiten Leaf, Academy and Design
木に掛けるのは、文化施設が保管している学術資料のデジタルアーカイブを使って制作される「キテンの葉」。 通常では展示する機会の少ない資料を選ぶことで、幅広い資料活用と、施設を訪れる人々に新たな体験と気づきを提供する機会になると考えています。
A “Kiten Leaf” hanging from the “Kiten Tree” is produced using content from digital archive of academic materials kept in cultural facilities. By selecting materials that rarely get the chance to be exhibited, the project will offer visitors an opportunity to gain new experiences and valuable insights from a wide range of materials.

Kiten leaf design format
The basic specification of the “Kiten Leaf” is an A2 size layout, consisting of two A3 vertical sheets joined together. It is being rolled up like an umbrella and hung onto a Kiten Tree. Consideration has been made to allow the same content be viewed from both left and right sides.

E-mail: kiten@amane-project.jp
【Contact Information for Kiten Project】
E-mail: info@ryosukeharashima.com