with at Yoyogiuehara

会期:2022 年9 月23日(金・祝)– 10 月16日(日)
会場:などや代々木上原(東京都渋谷区西原 3-19-3/代々木上原駅・北口2より徒歩2分)
開場:金・土・日・祝 13:00 – 18:00

主催:などや、nanzo Inc.、原嶋亮輔
プロデュース:遠藤豊(LUFTZUG)、岡村俊輔 / 会場グラフィックデザイン:林琢磨
協力: SOMEWHERE TOKYO / 製作協力:株式会社炭澤鉄工
Special thanks: 山本真澄(PR)

Lost in ambivalent

but somehow can’t let go.

Imagine its attitude as it is.

Wonder if the things in dreaming.

with you

  In early summer of 2022, I visited Nadoya and felt a comfort at there where spinning out a new story by tracing the memories and life of a certain place, without being tossed about by the trend of the times.
  The exhibition will be held in the presence of old things that are connected to someone else, so as to create a new atmosphere with the appearance of the old things. I will also create works with objects brought in by visitors.
  The period of mass consumption is to an end, and we are approaching a time in which we will coexist and interact with things. I would like to be a one who imagines the dreams of things, not only the dreams of people.

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